Staying Busy Keeps Us in the Matrix
Hope you are enjoying your holidays! Yesterday I spent the afternoon at Tybee Island, about an hour away. It was perfect weather again (73), gorgeous day, and I had more quiet time to sit with myself, breathe, meditate, get present.
As I have had an abundance of quiet time lately, with my kids being with their dad for Christmas this year, I have realized how much staying busy keeps us in the matrix. By matrix, I mean a disconnection from the truth of who we are. Without awareness of ourselves, our true nature, we fall into patterns & traps that keep us living in lower frequencies, energetically. We get sick, when we are not connected to our true Selves.
So often, us humans fill our time with activities, things to do, places to go, without allowing ourselves time to just sit and observe the world around us. We are afraid of being with ourselves, without something to do. I want to tell you something that will dramatically accelerate your healing: Beyond boredom lies a truly magical, magnificent world just waiting to be discovered.
There are clues about who we are in nature: in the way the leaves fall, the sun shines, and the dragonflies hover above the water. There are answers about our purpose transmitted from the trees, if we get quiet enough to look up and ask for guidance. The wind blows life through our bodies, pushing us forward, on our healing path, if we let it. The glistening leaves remind us that our world is a magical place, if we take the time to truly see.
I just saw the new Matrix movie and I highly recommend everyone see it. Because, friends, we have the choice if we are going to keep taking the blue pill, and stay inside the illusion, continue the patterns that tear us apart and cause suffering in the collective, or take the red pill, and wake up.
Many people decide to stay because leaving can feel terrifying at first- just like in the movie, when they wake up it’s dark and creepy! But the darkness is real! And it’s only by facing the truth & taking the red pill, that we can become free! Aware! Awake! And that doesn’t mean life is perfect. But we now have awareness of how to stop the programs that have downloaded into our brains, all the false beliefs we internalized over the years, that keep us stuck in a disconnected state. And we can override it & create something better. We can tune into the beauty, the splendor, the absolute joy, of being alive on this planet.
As I drove into Savannah yesterday, I was listening to a song that, to me, had the energy of the reality of what we are facing in this very real matrix. I listened to it, then a few more of their songs played. And folks, I had no idea Bassnectar has a song “The Matrix,” but it came on as I was crossing the bridge. I have learned that synchronicities happen as winks/messages from those outside the matrix, outside this realm, validating that I am on my path.
My mission is to give people the red pill, as I took it about 7 years ago when I first saw a hole, a glitch, in this current reality. This meant leaving the religion I was raised in, the religion I had built my life and my identity on. It also meant leaving the marriage I had committed to when I still asleep and being drugged by the "matrix" both physically (taking a psychiatric med) and mentally/emotionally by following a program ingrained in me for how I was supposed to live my life.
Life can get really tough after you take the red pill and decide to become the driver of your life instead of a passenger. Losing relationships with people you thought would always be there for you can be devastating. But life also gets way better, as you learn to connect with your true Source, instead of relying on others for a sense of peace and happiness. You are now able to create a life that resonates with your Inner Being, and feel love for yourself and for all of humanity, instead of suffering from self hatred, self betrayal, and disconnecting more and more from those around you.
When we take the red pill, we declare that we are done living in old patterns that were not even chosen by us to begin with. We seek truth, we seek awareness of who we really are. No more hiding from ourselves. No more believing the lies.
Thats when real healing happens.
As you move forward on your healing path, know that you are not alone. There are many others awakening out of the deep sleep they have been in for years. You may not see them in your current life, and that is because you are being called to help those around you awaken.
All you have to do, is continue on your healing path, do the inner work, pay attention to the automatic thoughts that sabotage you into old programs, and keep turning back to radical self love and compassion, letting emotions pass through you by letting yourself feel them, instead of denying, repressing and numbing through distractions that are only there to keep us in a disconnected state, living in the matrix.
You are not your thoughts, you are not your emotions- they are all simply passing through you. The more you realize this, the more you will be able to tune into your True Self.
Your rising energetic frequency will be felt by those who are ready to awaken. They will recognize the difference in you, the peace, the presence, the connectedness to your core. They will want to learn from you. You will be a healing guide, a safe space, a loving presence, to those around you.
So don't despair, you are on your path! It is only just beginning. And I am always here to support you in your journey.
Your soul sister and guide,
Lynleigh Rose